Saturday, 1 August 2009


Hi, it's Joan!

Last night was pretty quiet. All the kids were pretty tired from all the sailing and fun at Jericho beach for the Summer in the City event! Malcolm was there helping out - too bad I couldn't go because I had lab volunteering!

Anyways, so there was me, Holly, Tony, and an on-call peer Sumeda. Kids in the house included Kelly, Mitch, Trent, Bradley, Reg, and baby Kate.

After dinner, Kelly went right to bed as she was exhausted from the long and exciting day.

Bradley kept on playing Pokemon Platinum on his Nintendo DS. This was when Holly and I launched into a nerdy nostalgic conversation about the oldest pokemon games on the old game boy colour we used to play. We talked about how Pikachu was useless wherease Squirtle was clearly Metapod was so annoying because all it could do was "harden"...oh it was delightful! But hey, we're not too old to play these games...I got a new DS lite recently, and I've been playing Pokemon Platinum on it too...=)

Afterwards, most of us went upstairs to the school room, except for Sumedha, who spent her night downstairs with baby Kate. Kate is soooo cute! She's only 11 months old, but she's pretty big, and her arms are so chubby. I was quite envious of Sumedha for getting to cuddle her.

For us in the school room, Trent and Mitch spent the night playing PS3 and watching videos on the computer, Bradley played computer games, and Tony brought Reg to the Snoezelen room and the piano to have some musical entertainment. While watching some Ghost Hunters with Trent, I was also catching up on some Harry Potter...

then it came to bath time! Trent and Mitch both had to take a bath...but neither of them wanted to go first. In the end, Trent got to go after Mitch because he won the polite contest (Mitch was getting quite angry and started being a bit rude).

And...that was it! Malcolm, I can't wait to see the lip balm samples!

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The Blog

My name is Malcolm and I was a volunteer at Canuck Place Children's Hospice in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada for nearly seven years. Now I support them by raising money by participating in the Canuck Place Adventure Challenges!

I said hospice. Not really a word that you associate with children but there you go. We will tell you about the house as this blog progresses with the hope that you will learn, and as you learn we hope that you will share. The purpose of the Adventure Challenge is to raise money for AND awareness about Canuck Place.

The name of each kid at the house you read about has been changed.

September 14th and 15th are the dates for the next Adventure Challenges.

You can sponsor me for the race here: Adventure Challenge
Maybe you should do the race?


Just a quick note about the names of the kids in the house that you will read about: they are made up!